Acknowledge Your Desire
Notice in your life and in other people how often we’re denying our desires.
Acknowledging your desires is the first step in achieving that desire.
If you don’t acknowledge what you want, if you don’t say openly to yourself and to others what you truly want, most probably you will not achieve it.
A lot of people say “I want to lose weight”, “I want to look good for a birthday party”, “I want to fit in my old jeans”,…
In order to fulfil our desire, we have to dig a little bit deeper and really find our true desires and why we want it.
Why is important for you to look amazing on your best friend’s wedding party? Why is important to you to fit in old jeans? Is it because you want to impress other people and to show everyone how you look great or that is truly important to you, to look good, to be confident.
When you go deeper and realize that for you is not important to look good, but to be confident or maybe you want to lose weight to be healthy and has not much to do with fitting in old jeans.
Your true desires is not to see a lower number on the scale (lower number on the scale feels good for 5 seconds and then what?) but to feel great, to be confident, to look good, enjoy shopping or have more energy.
Ask yourself “Why I want it? What is my reason? What is my true desire?”
That desire will last long, that desire will fill your soul and drive you to your goal.
The first step in accomplishing anything is acknowledging your true desire
This can come with a lot of emotions (fear, excitement, happiness, doubt,…) and when it does know that thet is normal.
As I mentioned a trip I want to take, I didn’t even ask myself what I wanted. The first thing I did was the usual “It’s too expensive”, “I don’t have money”, “I’ll go next time”,…
The same thing is happening with weight loss. If you have 250 pounds, you probably don’t allow yourself to have a desire to have 120 pounds.
You’ll say I want to lose 50 pounds but that goal is not exciting enough. You know when you reach 200 pounds, you’ll not be that happy and you’ll want more and more and more.
Dig deeper and don’t be afraid of your desires.
Many of us are afraid of our desires because we think we’re asking too much, it’s for others not for us.
The first thing is to acknowledge the desire no matter how big it looks like right now.
By acknowledging desire you’re acknowledging a person you want to become. A person you’ll be when you lose all of the weight or when you accomplish any desire.
The first step is to acknowledge a desire and to admit to yourself. YES, I want this, YES, I want to have 130 pounds. YES, I want to be toned, I want to be fit, I want to eat healthy, I want to enjoy eating salad,..
Small or big is of less importance than to say to you what you truly want